So what have I been doing that life hit me so hard? Like I said, Thanksgiving, my birthday. Then my hubby came for a visit (he is stationed in DC right now). On Dec 23, my mother-in-law was supposed to arrive at our house for Christmas. Well... She never did arrive.
Unfortunately, she unexpectedly passed. We were obviously in shock, but we tried to keep it together for the kids to have a "normal" Christmas.
Then the New Year came, and I decided I really needed to focus on running. I had signed up to run the Disney Glass Slipper Challenge in February. If you don't know what that is, we run a 10K on Sat & then turn around and run a half marathon on Sunday. Back-to-back.
Yup... I'm nuts! I haven't run further than a 5k before. I had only wanted to sign up for the 10K, but got caught up in the excitement with my friend!
So, as of today, my furtherest run has been 6 miles. I am due to run 8 this weekend! Yikes! I'm a little nervous about it, but I know it is all mental.
It is funny to me, because I now say, "I'm only running 4-5 miles today." Ha! I never thought that would be the norm for me.
Since the New Year, I also had to put my beloved dog to sleep. She had been wih me since the first Christmas after I got married... Back in Jan of 2002, we rescued her from the SPCA. I've known she wasn't doing well, health wise, but it still doesn't make it any easier. I just feel empty right now. I miss having her curled up at my feet or greeting me at the door, or sleeping on my floor at night.
The only time I feel better is when I run. So running I will continue to do, at least until my 10K/half weekend.
I haven't fully decided which program I am going to do, once I'm done with the races. I have PiYo, 21 Day Fix, Les Mills Pump, and I think that's all I have. I believe my hubby has the other programs (P90x series). I think I want to focus on lifting because I keep reading these blogs of people who transformed their bodies with lifting.
What are you focusing on in 2015?
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