Thursday, July 17, 2014

3 Day Refresh Results

QOkay...  I've been trying to write up my review all day.  First, my results...

I lost 5 lbs & 5" overall.  I lost 2.5" from my waist alone.  I have pictures, but I'll be honest, I'm not confident enough, yet, to share them.  Sorry, folks!  But one day, I will be happy to rejoice in the journey & progress I am taking.

Okay, so the program isn't for the faint of heart.  Seriously, it is SUPER low in calories, as in around 900 per day.  It starts out with drinking 8-10 ounces of water first thing in the morning & eating your breakfast, which includes Shakeology, within an hour of waking up.  I will continue with that trend.  I did like it.

The first day, I found myself hungry.  Not gnaw off my arm hungry, but hungry.  I wasn't quite at the point of salivating over the food my family was eating.

My dinner was SUPER yummy, and I will continue to use it, as a side salad, or add chicken to it.  It was a cucumber & tomato salad.  SO yummy.
This was my dinner day 1 & 2 - I am a creature of habit & I wanted to make sure I used up the cucumber I bought.  

With lunch & dinner you drank the Vanilla Refresh, which is a protein drink.  I am a chocoholic true & true.  So I didn't like the flavor, although it was a very light vanilla flavor.  I will probably never buy vanilla Shakeology, no matter how versatile it is.  

Anyway, for most of Day 2 & 3, I had a raging headache.  I already suffer from allergies & get bad sinus headaches from my allergies, so this was something I didn't like.  

I can honestly say I didn't love that part of it & by Day 3, I was salivating like Pavlov's dog when I saw everyone else's food.  But I put my mind to it, drank more water & made it through.  I did take Tylenol for my headache last night, but it didn't even touch it.  So I went to sleep.

I was so excited because I had heard about how these others ere's having awesome results, they were sleeping better, had better mental clarity & were more energetic.  I on the other hand didn't experience the sleeping better, mental clarity or the energy.  I, in fact, was so tired on day 2, I fell asleep while sitting up, in the middle of the afternoon.  

But today, day 4, or the day after, I had more energy.  I actually felt like working out.  And my mental clarity seemed at an all time high.  I felt great.  I still feel great.

I jumped back into eating with the 21 Day fix plan & started PiYo today.  I will start running again tomorrow, because I have the Disney Princess Glass Slipper challenge coming up in February 2015.  (It's a 10k & a half marathon, back-to-back, on Saturday & Sunday.)  And it's not going to run itself!  (Totally joking here). 
(I totally need to find a graphic for the Glass Slipper Challenge)

Anyway, if you want more info on the 3 Day refresh, PiYo, or even the 21 Day Fix, feel free to email me at

Or visit my website,

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